
Before & After

Updated: Jan 11, 2021

Comparison of my garment before alterations and after.

Below is the jacket I recycled for this project as it was given to me, and what the garment looks like after being recycled for the 'I Am Fearless' project.

I am extremely happy with the final outcome of this garment. There were times when I wished I had deconstructed a garment to drape on the stand, as putting a jacket of this quality back together again after it had already been constructed - and in a few cases trimmed - was not the easiest task to set myself. Then again this is the reason I chose to do it, as I wanted to continue to push myself outside of my comfort zone and to continue to develop my making skills.

I intended to make the biggest change to the silhouette of the jacket which I believe I have executed successfully in my final outcome, by creating a much larger oversized fit for the wearer.

Please use the arrows to scroll the images.
